When thinking about online marketing and advertising for clinical trials, it may be helpful to break things down into several easily remembered ‘Rules of Three’.  For instance, there are Three Keys to SEO, Three Primary Points of Online Visibility, Three Critical Types of Search and more.  Each of these ideas can help you understand the basics of search marketing and organic optimization.

Please see the video below.

Also, check out our Basics of Pharma SEO video or contact us for additional information regarding pharmaceutical and clinical trial search marketing.

pharma seo john griffithBook a free 1/2 hour call with me that includes a review of your current website and a general chat about pharma related search marketing. I’ve been involved in both clinical trials and SEO for over 20 years.  Check out my profile on LinkedIn. I’d love to have a conversation.

Use the form below to select an available time and I look forward to talking with you!
